Behold! Powerful mages powered by nuclear reactors? Experience this modpack and play through various ages of technological advancements. Manipulate the elements into helping you terrorize your friends, even construct advanced bloodmagic Blood-Networks and become a blood sucking vampire yourself. Cram hundreds of THOUSANDS of items into an ME system, then head out in search of Dragons.


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Click below to download some of our modpack-patched resourcepacks! [32x – 128x]

Public/Private Servers

   Click below to download our modpacks server files to host your very own HeiNet Ultra Server. Or join our discord and request access to our (Early Access) server.

 1,445 total views

RAM Requirements:

128x – At least 16gb allocated

64x – 12-16gb allocated 

32x – 8-12gb allocated


**Please remember to allocate at least 10gb of RAM for an optimal experience**



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